Tuesday, April 18, 2006

What a Day!!

What a beautiful day we've had here .... the sun has been shining and feels warm on the skin. The bugs aren't out yet, although I saw a few stray early ones flitting around, tempting the birds. The birds, as enthralled with the day as I am, have been singing their fool heads off. Particularly the Eastern Phoebes, who sound like they're saying "Wee-Wee"; I always imagine they are really trying to say "Wendy". Hey, I also always thought that the constellation Casseopia, the one shaped like a "W", was my constellation - just a little self-centred.

I digress however, here's what it looked like here first thing this morning from in front of our place looking west. The sky has looked that blue all day long.

So, to appropriately acknowledge this magnificent day, I sat out on the deck, with my sun-worshipping dog, in the warm, spring sunshine and played my banjo to the birds, the lake and the trees. They all applauded, the lake lapped gently on the shore, while the birds sang, and the gentle breeze rustled the leaves in appreciation of my fine picking. Isn't spring terrific?

Now on to my next topic. Most of you who know me, know that I have been known to look at something that someone else has done, and while pondering the possibilities of trying to do it myself, I boldly ask anyone who'll listen "How hard can it be?".

I have signed up for a course this summer. I'm going to make my own violin. Lots of people do it ... Stradivarius, Guarneri del Gesu, Nicola Amati, why not me? Centuries from now people will look at antique violins and say "Is it an Evenden? I understand she made the best." Yeah, I know, now we're back to the Eastern Phoebes' "WeeWee" and Casseopia's "W" again ..... you don't think there's a chance that it's NOT all about me, do you?

The spring is sprung, the grass is riz. You know the rest.


SusanE said...

Funny I always thought that Casseopia was a "W" for Wendy. Did you tell me that when I was little. I always think of you sitting on a throne when I see it. I will listen to the Phoebes with a new delight this year. And you can only imagine how thrilled I am to know that I am your sister and when 200 years from now they speak of your Violins with awe, they will be using my name also.

What a beautiful lake you live on.

Cherylinn said...

What an awesome shot....I've been doing lots of thinking since I was up last summer and have decided before this summers vist you really must by the water trapoline. They have it in costco, so when you are down here tomorrow you really should purchase it. I'd love to put it in the pool, but I don't think it's a great idea, but I will run it past John. I could always put it in the back pond, but getting it would be the next thing.