Friday, July 21, 2006


Okay, so I haven't been busy blogging as often as I was. Things are getting back to normal after our vacation in Newfoundland - at least I thought they were on Monday, but after the storm went through, our electricity was off for 48 hours (not as bad as some folks had it!).

Anyway, I got a new camera ... a Canon digital camera and it totally rocks! I took this picture the other morning. Aside from wandering down to the lovely still lake, I can't take much credit for the picture. This camera takes awesome pictures.

Our trip to Newfoundland was terrific, what a beautiful, friendly place. The rugged scenery is incredible. We saw a terrific music group at Rocky Harbour, called Anchors Aweigh. We've been playing their CDs and singing their music ever since.

It rained at least once every day we were there, except the day we left. We got soaked to the skin a couple of times. The morning of the day we were leaving, when we got up the sky was blue and it was warm and sunny.

The wind on Signal Hill in St John's is not to be believed! It blows relentlessly up there and we were not there on a bad day according to some of the local people! You can even tell by the picture of the four of us that it's blowing.

Perhaps it was outdone by the on-shore breeze at the campground right on the beach outside Port au Choix. We camped on the beach and the wind blew unceasingly there too.

To give you an idea of the wind, check out this swing in this picture. When we arrived at the campground in the late afternoon this swing was horizontal in the "breeze". It was like that all night and continued to defy gravity when we left the next day.

All in all it was a terrific trip. We all agreed that we must go back. Two weeks was not even close to enough tiem to see everything there is to see.

We had our family reunion on July 15th. What a terrific time we all had too. I've tried four times to post a picture from that but I guess blogger is too busy, so I'll have to do that another time.

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