Thursday, May 22, 2008


I've been working on another pair of socks. These ones are different in that I had to sort of work out my pattern on my own rather than using a pattern. I've been making two socks at once, starting at the toes, on one long circular needle for a year now. It's so comfortable and easy to do it when you're not fidgeting with all the double pointed needles. Here are two that I did last year so you can see the difference.

The first few pairs, I experimented with the cast on and getting the toes to look the way I wanted. Now I'm working on the heels.

The first two pairs have a heel that's done in a way that's similar to turning the toe. This pair has a really nice heel, but it was a brain cramp working it out. So here's what I've come up with. I've patterned the top with cables (difficult to see with the varigated wool) and used a different method for the heels. I think they look much nicer, but I'm going to have to modify them a little further.

Today, I was going through some old stuff and found pictures of this Spiderman sweater that I made for Grandson I in 1996. Another make your own pattern. I was very proud of this one and was pleased that I found a picture of it. If you click on it to enlarge it you can see the webs I stitched on the face and sleeves.

Right now I'm also working on an afghan for Grandaughter I, that's very pretty, but it's too warm to have it sitting on my lap at this time of year. I expect she'll get it in a couple of years ... at 265 stitches to a row, it takes a while.


Cherylinn said...

Spiderman is AWESOME! Wow I'm so impressed. I'm still waiting for one day when we're together to get my socks beyond the toes. lol

Nikki,Mikki and Me said...

The spiderman is awesome!!! Mikayla would freak over that sweater lol shes quite the spidey fan:)