Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Just a few things .....

Ken and I were noticing today that Muggins is calmer. Now, she's half poodle, hence, genetically predisosed to being high strung. For the last month or so, we've been feeding her raw meat, and I've noticed a calmer dog, who's less prone to barking at things like bluejays that have the nerve to fly past. She hasn't gone to have her anal glands "expressed" yet, so I can't comment on that for another couple of weeks.

I've fixed the soapmaking blog, but meanwhile, I've made some pretty funky soaps. I'm binge soapmaking. I made a fresh ocean scented soap with pumice in it to give a nice gentle scrub. I made a delightful one I'm calling Pink Silk that has a lovely girlie scent, is coloured pink and I added shea butter and silk powder to it - yum! Yesterday, I made the coolest seaweed soap, with tiny peices of seaweed in it, which is awesome for your skin and it smells just like the beaches by the ocean. Today, I made cocoa butter soap and scented it with chocolate. (ooooh!!) and a coconut cream soap that's got shea butter and is scented with vanilla and coconut. (aaaaah)

Anyway, I've just finished making a turkey soup and some vanilla bean and orange peel ice cream. Now I think I'll go and practice my fiddle ... and my flute, we have a concert on Friday.


SusanE said...

Wow, all those soaps sound good enough to eat. Then I got to the last paragraph and misread it and thought you made turkey "soap". Really had me wondering.

Jojo said...

Yum! Your house must smell devine! Add in the music . . . what a gift for your senses.

Cherylinn said...

Oh Wendy, they all sound so nice. But please don't make soap called "after the rain". I've seen this stuff in the stores and come on we know what it smells like after the rain. "Dead Worms". Can you imagine bathing in the aroma? Turkey soap now that's a possiblity, just think how good turkey smells when it's cooking. Mind you if you go outside you might encounter some wildlife hunting you down.

Cherylinn said...

so where do you purchase your raw meat. How much do you feed her? How long does it last? Give us information.