Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Update On My Violin

Cheryl asked why I haven't blogged lately. I can't type, my fingers are sore! Okay, not really, I've just been busy.

I wasn't happy with the templates I originally made for my violin, so I made a new set yesterday. They should make it much easier for finishing these babies.

Here's what I've done since my course, in between all my other stuff. Slow and steady wins the race, right?


Cherylinn said...

I am so impressed. That looks awesome. What are the templates for?

AutumnZ said...

Back in the 60s, my Grand Daddy bought a hand made violin. I have no idea from whom, or the circumstances, or anything, because he died (in '69)before I was born(in'72). But that handmade violin and bow, complete with horsehair, is hanging on my living room wall, above the piano, and has been for years. Before that, it hung in my brother's bedroom. Before that? I have no idea.

The violin doesn't play. I suppose it could if I had any clue how to make it sing, but I do not.

Even though I never met my Grand Daddy, I have often wondered what spurred him to buy that handmade violin.