Monday, December 11, 2006

Knitter's Lament - Part II

As I unravelled the sweater from my previous post, I came to realize that I didn't buy the wool in 1991, but in 1995. So I'm guessing I started on the project in about 1998. Had to clear that up after having read the tangled web post on Whitterer on Autism.

Odd that it didn't really bother me tearing it out. So here it is, all taken apart. I think I'll go and look through pattern books and find out what this wool has in it's future.


SusanE said...

I have a sweater pattern somewhere for a raglan sweater with a polo style neck... it was made originally with a grey and white 3 play yarn....

It might look nice with that wool.... I'll look for the pattern when I get back home.

Maddy said...

It's a glorious colour. The best thing about knitting in winter is that it keeps your knees warm.
My 'big' daughter whittles spoons, but a violin! My hat goes off to you.Cheers