Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cut away everything that doesn't look like a violin

A continuation of my September 25th post.

Time off between Christmas and New Year's has been fun. Although there has been plenty to do, my shoulder has healed enough that I can actually do work on my fiddle again. Rotator cuff injuries make doing all kinds of things nearly impossible.

You may recall when I finished the sides and proudly displayed them. Each step of the way, I've been really anxious, and by the time I put tool to wood, I've done it a hundred times in my head. Here again is the sides completed and sitting on the maple that will be her back.

Then I gathered up all my nerve and cut into that beautiful piece of bird's eye maple. I started taking little nibbles of wood and then eventually, got relaxed and finished her outline.

I have spent some time over the holidays with a chisel and a beech mallet, again taking little nibbles. And guess what I found?!?! There really is a violin inside that piece of wood. I can't tell you how excited I am, just watching it emerge. I'm already imagining what she will sound like when I play the first notes.


Cherylinn said...

That looks awesome....good work.

SusanE said...

when will it be ready to play?