Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Muggins' Lesson

Okay Muggins didn't learn the lesson ... we did. We were at friends' house for supper on Friday night. Carolyn was pinning a skirt that she is altering for Mum, so we were all upstairs and the guys were in the livingroom. Richard made Carolyn a Dubonnet on the rocks, but didn't want to come into the room to give it to her 'cause he knew Mum was trying the skirt on.

He told Carolyn that he put her drink at the top of the stairs for her. A couple of minutes later we came out the door and saw the Muggins and Sammie hanging around, and what had been what appeared to be a glass with a double Dubonnet and ice, was a glass with a little Dubonnet and a lot of ice.

Knowing Muggins, she didn't let Sammie get close, unless maybe it tasted bad and she backed off. She didn't seem to be showing signs of having consumed alcohol, but I kept an eye on her.

Saturday, she went from Mum's lap to her bed and back to Mum's lap. All day. No going out and checking for intruders, no playing fetch, no energy.

Poor dog ... six adults didn't even think of it and we all know Muggins is a drink thief!

1 comment:

Jojo said...

Sounds like poor Muggins had a hangover on Saturday. Poor thing!