Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Okay, I've Finally Attempted It

Well after many years of asking, I've attempted a floating soap Hilary. I'm not sure if it actually will float, but I've tried anyway.

I think the first time Hilary asked me to make a floating soap, she was about 8 years old. I've thought about it on an off over the years, but just never got at trying it. Whether or not it will actually float, is yet to be determined.

It's probably one of the ugliest soaps I've ever made (because of the floating requirement), but the other goodies I've put in it fulfilled another request from her. It's an acne soap. It's a pinky-beige colour with lots of specks of ground comfrey root, which is really healing. It has lavender, petitgrain, geranium and patchouli essential oils, all wonderful for acne and skin care. It smells terrific. So it just needs to sit and cure a bit.

Just wanted you to know that it's in the final stages Hilary.

1 comment:

SusanE said...

Hilary will be pleased I'm sure. I can't wait to hear about it's success.