Friday, August 18, 2006

Grandsons' Visit

So this week was our grandson's summer visit. It was way too short, but we had a blast with them.

Although this picture is not very clear, I love it anyway because this is what Jamie looks like when we're playing cards or dominoes ... constantly giggling and being silly! He had us all laughing our heads off.

We hung out on the dock a lot, soaking up the nasty UV rays and drinking pop - okay, I had wine.

This is Jamie jumping off the dock into the water.
Just what summer holidays are all about.

Here's Jonathon during one of the Crazy 8's games. What a great smile!

This is something Jonathon has talked about doing for several years now. While we were on the dock, he tied off his skateboard so he wouldn't lose it and was riding it down the dock and into the water. He did different tricks that were fun to watch. (If I knew how to load video clips onto here I'd put one up, becuase they're quite cool!)

We had an awesome time eating junk food, homemade bread and just genereally hanging out.


SusanE said...

Video clips are easy, you just have to find a site that you like and you host it there and it links to your site.

My favourite is

Jojo said...

Nice pictures but let's see the video clips.

Cherylinn said...

I can't believe how much like Devon Jonathon looks and Jamie looks like a Dimmell for sure.