Saturday, February 03, 2007


tin·ni·tus [ti-nahy-tuhs, tin-i-]
–noun Pathology.
a ringing or similar sensation of sound in the ears.

Poor old Vincent Van Gogh ... I've heard it said that he cut his ear lobe off in anger, after an arguement. I've also heard it said that he had an extreme case of tinnitus and cut it off in frustration.

A while back I noticed a ringing in my ears that seemed worse some days than others. I thought that the only thing that really changed was the food I was eating. So I "googled" it and learned of some foods that aggravate the ringing and began eliminating them from my diet in order to fine the guilty culprit. Cheese, wine, nitrites, aspartame, you know the drill.

This has been ongoing for over a year. If no ringing at all was rated as a zero and poor old Van Gogh's a ten, I'd rate mine as varying between a one and a four. Some days are diamonds ......

Well after trying everything I could think of, I was almost ready to just submit to it and convince myself to think of it in the same way I find comfort in the rolling serf of the tropics or the rustling leaves on a mid-summer night. But holy mackeral, by jove and all that rolled into one! "Eureka" I seem to have found it.

The other day,while doing something that I don't even recall, I tipped my head sideways and I noticed that the ringing worsened. "What?" thought I, is it possible that this requires a visit to my trusted and ignored, lo these many years, chiropractor?

Off I went to the chiropractor, and got some of her magical pummelling and thumping. Twice last week, and no change, but she agreed that tipping my head shouldn't make it worse if it's an inner ear problem. Yesterday I went for another beating.

Last night, my trusted companion, the ringing, was all but gone. It was about a .25 on my scale of 10, despite my listening and searching for the familiar "music". Truth be known, I kind of miss the ever-present company, I awakened a couple of times through the night for no reason, could it be the quiet?!

I'll keep you posted!


SusanE said...

I heard Van Gogh cut it off because of unrequited love.

Glad your ringing mellowed.

Jojo said...

You might want to try Dad's Vibrator!

The Lexiphage said...

From what I understand he took it off and mailed it to his prospective girlfreind as a gift. Apparently it didn't work. By the way, what a great word! Tinnitus... gotta remember that one. And lastly, who's Dad has a Vibrator, and why did he tell hs daughters about it?

Cherylinn said...

There are no secrets in the family Lexiphage....He uses it many times per day as well.

Fiddling Granny said...

Gryper has discovered the advantage of using a vibrator. Mrs Gryper is pretty pleased about the effects too, from what she's said.