Friday, July 30, 2010

This Week In a Nutshell

This week at our course, the Mister & I have gotten a lot done. The Mister has his guitar read to lacquer and will do that next week. It's pretty toxic stuff and he'll have to do it outside on a still day.

This is our friend Mike playing Lily, my lovely viola, (named after my grandmother). She's all done (except for the varnish which I'll do in a month or so). I am thrilled with how she looks and the sound is fabulous.
Here she is hanging beside Pearl, the violin I completed last year.

This is the maple for the back of one of the now current projects, a double bass.

Bethany and I worked on getting ready to join the two pieces of spruce for the front.

Here's the front, all clamped and glued.

We're pretty darned proud of ourselves.
Here is the back all glued and clamped too! The pieces of wood are so massive it takes at least three people to join them.

The a bunch of our group got together at our house last night for a party.

I'll post pics of the cello I've started tonight or tomorrow.


Cherylinn said...

Holy Crap you should be proud of yourself....That is AWESOME!

I love the railing between the kitchen and family room...Looks great from what I can see.

Hopefully I can see it in person soon!

SusanE said...

the jam sessions looks like it was a blast.

you guys are so smart making your own musical instruments.