Thursday, August 26, 2010


After starting out on our "drive north and figure out what we'll do" vacation, we ended up here the first day. The land across the water on the right side of the picture is Quebec.

Often, when leaving for vacation I have some sort of "entertainment" planned for the down time. This time it was carving. I got basswood sticks for me and The Mister and we brought along carving tools. After going for a walk, we sat down at the picnic table at our campsite and using instructions, we started cutting.

So far, I'm beginning to think it's easier carving a violin!

Here is what we had at the end of day one.

It would be better if The Mister would stop laughing at mine!

Stay tuned!


Laura said...

I think that is a great beginning. I would have sliced a finger or thumb by this point of the endeavour.

Cherylinn said...

What a great way to start a vacation, just drive and see where you end up....I love the carvings, they are GREAT!

Jojo said...

Good Job! Never a dull moment. . . Have fun and enjoy your new project and your vacation. Keep us posted.

SusanE said...

Quebec is the wrong direction!

Oh wait, I forgot, it's so much further driving to Kenora than when one goes the other way.... I get it!

SusanE said...

I'd say something about the carvings, but they're difficult to see.... maybe you should bring them to my house so you can show me. Hint, hint.