Monday, May 22, 2006

Message from Carole

Mum forwarded this message from Carole in England ..... "I love looking on fiddling grannies web site. I have emailed it to Sally so Dad can have a look."


Hi Carole, I'm pleased to hear that you've been visiting my blog. Hi to David and Sally, too. You should all start blogs, that way we know what's going on with you. Did you read my post about Dad, oops, I mean Mr Gryper falling in the lake two weeks after the ice had melted? It's called "Another First for Mr Gryper".

We're still laughing over it.

1 comment:

SusanE said...

Goodness well then direct her to my blog, because it really is so much better than yours lol. (Laurence says "laughs snarkily like a little sisters").

By the way when did you remove the ads? Did you make any money?