Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Stolen Peeks

These are some pictures I've been sent that I really like ...... I get them sent to me frequently, and thought I'd show them off even though I can't take credit for having taken them.

This is Mya, my granddaughter who is 2 years old, taken with her Daddy's cell phone camera.

This is Gavin, her 4 year old brother.

This is Jamie, almost 10, helping insulate a ceiling, sent to me by his Mum.

This one is Jonathon, almost 14, taken by Rob.

Here I am with my fam, this one was taken by Stephanie - I actually stole this off her blog.

Arrrgh! Oh never mind, I'll do it in the morning. Blogger has slowed down so much that I can't be bothered waiting and I have a couple more still.

1 comment:

SusanE said...

love the pictures. It's nice to catch up on the kids. Is Jonathon a good skateboarder. Jamie is a cutie. So are Mya and Gavin