Sunday, July 30, 2006

Busy, but exciting week

I'll attempt to keep up with the blogging this week.

I start my course at Sir Sanford Fleming College this week. I'll tyr to keep you updated with how it goes. I'm really excited about it.

We spent the weekend at Valerie & Tom's (for the annual get together) weekend. It was smaller than usual, a lot of the younger crowd didn't make it. There were 10 people and 5 dogs.

Great time!


Jojo said...

Is this your fiddle making course?
Have fun!

.:topher:. said...

what is defined as 'the younger crowd' now? 27 falls is still one the near side of the hill, thus the 'younger crowd'

Fiddling Granny said...

Kayla was the only member of younger crowd ....

Sorry, you don't fit into that category any more! Wait a minute all of those formerly known as the younger crowd are in their 20s now - bunch of fogies!

.:topher:. said...

Hey... I'm still in my 20's.. just the later half of them.