Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Trip to Newfoundland

Well we just got back from our trip to beautiful Newfoundland. I can't say enough good about this province, it's heaven right here on Earth. The scenery on "The Rock" is unbelievable. The people are beyond friendly. There is so much to see and do, that you only skim the surface.

When we got off the ferry and were checking into our campsite, I was telling someone there that two weeks wasn't nearly enough, another woman said "Well, we've been there two months and it wasn't enough". To use her words, "It's magical".

I took almost 300 pictures and I've been trying to narrow it down to a reasonable number to post on my blog, so I've reluctantly narrowed it down. I'll try to line up the descriptions with the pictures before I get myself all frustrated and pissed at blogger's layout glitches.

This is sunset inthe town of Rocky Harbour, right in the middle of Gros Morne National Park.

This is part of Bonne Bay in Grose Morne Park.

Ken & Muggins walking at the Lobster Head Cove lighthouse ... (okay they call them lightstations now .. but I like lighthouse better).

Right up at the northern tip of the west side of the island is L'Anse aux Meadows which is the site of where the Vikings landed and set up a settlement some 500 years before Columbus and Cabot and all those guys came over. Although you can see where the original sod and wood buildings were, these are replicas rebuilt in the same meadow.

This is Moreton's Harbour. You know, the line from the song "I'se The B'y" ...Fogo, Twillingate, Moreton's Harbour ... We'll this be 'er b'y.

We were just outside a village called Trinity and found a huge blueberry patch. The blueberries are huge ... way bigger than the ones that grow here. Muggins was picking her own.

Down the road from Bonavista is Dungeons Provincial Park. The sea, over 600 million years has eroded the shoreline in really interesting ways. There was a really bad storm once and a boat went into this little sheltered area to wait out the storm.

Here is Quidi Vidi, pronounced "kiddy viddy", it's a lovely little cove that is part of St John's now. Back many years ago it was the "red light district" now it's just a pretty little area with a micro-brewery and fishing boats.

Our last morning on "The Rock" ... sunrise in in Codroy Valley.


SusanE said...

Wow, great pictures. It sure sounds like you love the place.

When are you going back.

Cherylinn said...

Those are AWESOME pics. I just made comment on my blog that you hadn't updated and here it is. Good Work.
I sent you a video that Lisa sent me on Cape Breton and I've always wanted to go back out east, but after seeing their pics of their trip, the video and now your pics, I dearly want to go back out east.
Once day via bike??? Any takers, Susan?

Jojo said...

Love the pictures! Got a couple of hundred more to share? Looks like you had good weather.

Laurence Hunt said...

Brings back many memories of home - from my 1970s days in any case. Nice blog dere, me duckie! You must remark on my comments on Mr. bin Laden on his self-styled anniversary date..... (short version - he loses.)

AutumnZ said...

I love the grassy house. Very Hobbit-like.