Monday, June 23, 2008

"The Tip of The Iceberg" or perhaps "Rock and Roll"

We've had this rock sticking up in the driveway for a while now and it seemed to be getting worse. It was right in an awkward spot if you had to turn around and then pull out and up the driveway. It's been bugging Grandpa for a while, so yesterday he decided to dig the sucker out. Although this is not the rock in question, this is what it looked like before he started.

He dug for a while, and dug for a while (see my last post - I think I can, I think I can), but it was taking longer than he bargained for. After the digging, and the dragging down the driveway with the jeep, and then rolling it off the driveway by pushing it with the trailer hitch on the jeep. This was the brute that was poking up out of the driveway.

Note - Because I shrunk these down so they'd load quickly, you can't read what it says on my really cool yardstick. It says "Smith's Hardware - Newmarket - Phone 39" - it's an old one!


Lauras Garden said...

Wouldn't it have been easier to add a little gravel to cover the offending rock and smooth the driveway out?

Cherylinn said...

That's one big mother of a rock....gee seeing he had so much fun doing this one, we have loads in Minden if he's like to come and play....