Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. That may be so but seven words can warm your hart and almost bring you to tears.

On Saturday, we visited with Lex and the smurfs. You know Smurf One is in IBI therapy for his autism. He has been talking a lot more, and more clearly. I know that one of the things that they have been working on is waving when saying good bye. Not only did I get a kiss from him when we first arrived, when we were leaving, I asked if I could have a kiss, and he gave me another kiss goodbye. In the past he has let me kiss him, but doesn't give me a kiss. Then what really blew me away was after the kiss goodbye, I said "It was nice to see you.", he replied "Nice to see you." It was as exciting as the first time he actually called me Granny while we were playing.

Smurf Two, is still on the wait list for her IBI therapy, but the class she's in at school has really helped her a lot. Although she loves to sing, she doesn't say a lot of words. Whatever the tune, the words to her songs are "sing, sing, sing". While we were sitting chatting in the living room, she went up to Lex and said, "Want Dad, up", and climbed up on his lap. I was astounded. Three times she came over and climbed on my knee, and we read an Elmo book together too.

They progress differently than other kids, but they are definitely learning things. I'm so proud of their progress. I'm so proud of Lex, being a single dad, who patiently keeps them organized and moving ahead. 

As we drove away Smurf Two, was in the doorway waving as we drove out of the driveway. Granny was very pleased with that visit.


SusanE said...

The little joys are the best.

That was wonderful news.

Cherylinn said...

WOW THAT IS AWESOME NEWS. How long before smurf #2 gets into IBD?

By the way you NEVER say Good Bye...You may say bye. Good Bye is forever....Bye is until next visit.

Cherylinn said...

You could even say "see ya"....

Lauras Garden said...

That is very good to hear!