Sunday, October 25, 2009


Eeeeuuuuwww ... first thing in the morning, I came downstairs earlier than usual and stumbled on this scenerio .... naughty frogs!

Finally after having procrastinated for a while, I finally got to it. Last week, I used a really strong tea/coffee blend and stained my violin. It went from white to a pale tan colour. Today, I applied the first coat of clear varnish. Here are the results (not great lighting for showing off, but you get the idea). I am so pleased at the lovely tawny result. I'll do another coat or two of clear and then several coats of brown varnish. I'm really looking forward to seeing the finished result.

I've been playing my other violin and am finding that I really miss this one. I'll be getting it put back together as soon as possible.


Lauras Garden said...

Neat. I didn't know you stained it with tea.

Fiddling Granny said...

Some people use other things, like saffron, I just wanted it a brown base rather than yellow-ish. The clear varnish has now darkened it a bit more. Tomorrow, I'm going to put the first coat of red-brown varnish on it. I can't wait ... I'd do it today, but I've got too many things on my plate and I don't want to rush it.

Cherylinn said...

How many more coats does it near of varnish?

Those dirty frogs....How could you allow such nasty things go on in your house, they really are gross!