Monday, December 14, 2009

Making The Deal

So here are the pictures of the car deal. We signed the final papers, shook Andy's hand and drove way in our new ride. Froggie said it was the smoothest deal he's ever made.



Gryper said...

That looks good, hpoe it lasts as long as the Jeep.

Cherylinn said...

That looks awesome....I had a great laugh over froggie. What did Andy's say when you put froggie on his desk?


Fiddling Granny said...

I told Ken I was going to do it, and he said "You're not?!" and gave me the 'this is too silly for words' look. I knew then that I'd struck gold.

When Ken stepped out to go to the washroom, I pulled out Froggie. Andy was happy to comply. Ken didn't know until later.

I laughed and laughed.

Prince Charming said...

LOL!! Thats hilarious you guys and your frogs. It will take years of therapy for both of you.
But on the otherhand the car looks great

Fiddling Granny said...

That was hilarious Nick ... LMAO. Thanks.

Pam, TJ, Nathan and Jordan said...

Oooo I likes!! Nice colour too.

Cherylinn said...

FG what is Prince saying about us? LOL

SusanE said...

You're priceless... what did the car guy say?