Tuesday, June 08, 2010


So last night, the mister and I went to a meeting with Devon and Andrew. Details maybe later.

As we left Sh'less Joe's, I pointed to a plant and said to Devon, these are so soft, feel it. As I leaned forward, there was a brick in the sidewalk sticking up and I stumbled on it, falling almost on my face right in the middle of this lovely plant. The whole thing was hilarious!

Later at their house, The Mister was coming down the stairs and slipped (wool socks on hardwood) and fell on the stairs.

After some laughing and talking, we went to go to bed and I couldn't find my glasses. I called the restaurant, and was told that they hadn't been left on the table. I went downstairs to look for them and couldn't find light switches. I asked Devon where the switch was, by then everyone was up and looking around. We looked all over the house. Nada. Andrew called his parents in case they had inadvertently picked them up. (Long shot, but hey, you never know!)

I remembered back to my clumsy manoeuvre from earlier and decided to drive back to Sh'less Joe's. Yup, there they were, right in the middle of the plant I had previously squashed.

As we left for the airport this morning, Devon cautioned us ... "Don't fall".

I texted her when we landed. She texted me back, "Have ya fallen?"


I keep thinking about it and laughing till I'm in tears.

Dinner at Meg's tonight .... first of two graduation ceremonies tomorrow.


SusanE said...

Curious about the meeting, but laughing about the glasses.

Congrats to Meg.

Laura said...

Gee and I thought Cheryl was the only klutz in the family. You have kept it well hidden.

Cherylinn said...

LOL.....so where is the song for you and Ken Wendy?

How many grads is Meaghan having.

Can we start guessing about Devon and Andrew's meeting with you guys and were Andrew's parents involved in it?

Country Girl said...

Sounds like a day in my life, glad to know I am not the only klutz :)