Monday, June 28, 2010


Last night we got home from a social event and I found this guy on my kitchen window ledge. He wasn't at all bothered by my talking to him from two feet inside the window. The window was open a little, so I reached up and closed it so he would have a bit more room. Because he was so patient with my activities, I thought he might be sick.

I went and took a picture from another angle so I could try to identify him. His feathers were so white and he had a pretty crest, so I thought at first it was a cockatoo, but the beak was definitely not a hook-bill! I heard a kafuffle at about 5:30 and thought it was him leaving. When I got up later, he was gone.

At about 8:00, this lady showed up on my other window ledge. She had the same weird feathers around her legs (They looked very cumbersome!).

She tolerate me for a few minutes, then flew down onto the lawn. So I went out the front door and looked into the garden and this is what I found.

Now I'm convinced that he's hurt as he didn't even try to move when I got close (about 6 feet away). I'm going to call the local wildlife rehab place this morning and see if they can help hm.


I spoke with the wildlife rehab centre and they told me that they are homing pigeons, based on the description. They need some food, water and rest and in a day or so, they'll head home.

I put out some rice, corn and split peas, all uncooked, and some water (it needs to be at least two inches deep for them to be able to drink it (who knew?).

They have both relaxed and preen themselves and each other and have now moved up into the kitchen window. Don't know if they'll be here tomorrow, but they're fun to watch!


Laura said...

It looks like Froggy is enjoying the visitors too. Wouldn't it be neat to know where they live?

SusanE said...

That's so fun. I hope they're still there when I get down during August long weekend.

Cherylinn said...

They are beautiful.....When I come up if you need some scratch I have a small bag here. It's the choice of most wild birds.

We just watched a special on homing pigeons the other day. All you need is a pigeon harness and put a note in it and when they get home the owner can read it and maybe even send them back....They are remarkable birds and very intelligent.

Cherylinn said...

I like the new blog look!

Fiddling Granny said...

From what I've been observing, they don't seem that bright, but I guess that's relative.

The white one, I've discovered, is the male. Too tired to fly but not too tire to try to have his way with her. I missed the pic .. she almost fell off the window ledge.

They're still here, they've had breakfast and are just hanging around.

Last night, early evening, they were hanging around the door, and the white one actually flew at the screen door and latched on the the screen. It was obvious they wanted to come in.

Cherylinn said...

Open the door and welcome them in!

Fiddling Granny said...

They are back home now and I have visiting rights. They live just down the road from us. Apparently there's another couple with chicks and the male got all aggressive and chased these two.

All's well that ends well!

Laura said...

I think it is neat you know where they came from. Maybe you could start your own brood from those chicks.

Cherylinn said...

How did you find the owner? That's too bad, bet you're going to miss them.