Sunday, June 06, 2010

Viola Update

Having blistered the end of my thumb to the point that I couldn't hold a pen for the rest of the day, I got a good start on carving the inside of my viola.

Here is the front and back, It's hard to see the carving and shaping, but take my word for it ... it's really nice. I've done better on this than I did on the violin that I made.

I've drilled these holes inside to 1 mm less than the amount that will have to be carved out for the correct thickness.

This is where the blister came in. I got down to the bottom of most of the holes on the front. Nice, easy spruce ... but the maple of the back doesn't give up so easily! Once I've gotten rid of all the drill marks, I'll take it to the exact thicknesses. (generally speaking, 2.8 to 3.0 mm)

This is the scroll, I'm taking it with me when we go away so I can mark all of the measurements on it (I'll have a few hours on the plane). The sides just need about 1/2 an hour of work and they'll be ready for the glue.
Note: I have the font size on my computer set so it is always the same. When CG was here she commented on how the letters on my blog are huge ... I didn't realize I was doing that because of how it shows here. This should look more reasonable.


Cherylinn said...

You don't mean you are going to work on it while sitting on the plane do you? It looks good....Maybe give you blister time to heal.

Fiddling Granny said...

Just a bunch of measuring and pencil markings. No carving.

SusanE said...

I can't wait to hear how they sound.