Monday, March 13, 2006

All's been quiet on the blog front

Okay, so why haven't I put up any new posts lately? I have been busy with "stuff". I feel as if I've had no time to read post and put new posts on my blog. I stopped and thought about it ... hmmm .... what have I been doing?

Well, I've put in a bunch of time on my fiddle, my flute and my banjo. We were doggy sitting Sammie, and that was taking up some extra time. I've been doing experiments with herbs in soap ... lots of experiments, lots of batches of soap. I've made a feeble attempt at hosuework some days.

I dunno .... I have no pearls of wisdom to share ... that's frightening. I think I'll go and play my fiddle and think up something wise.


SusanE said...

Sounds like you've been having fun anyway. Beside you're not a "geekgirl", so it's not in your nature.

Cherylinn said...

She is so a geek....don't try to suck up to her.

Fiddling Granny said...

That's tight, I'm not a geek-girl ... I like that. I can't believe you would be accused of sucking up!?!?! Horrific!

Fiddling Granny said...

It should have read "that's right" ... as a typist, I'm a good plumber.

Cherylinn said...

That's funny, how your brain just assumes what a word it...I didn't even notice, I actually had to read it a couple of times before I caught it.
Talk about geek...

SusanE said...

I didn't notice the wrong word either. Funny. But a "geekgirl" is a female computer nerd. There is a slim possiblity that I'm one.