Saturday, February 25, 2006

The Ongoing Ode To Cheryl

You may have noticed a new verse in the poem. Cheryl's injuries are so odd that the poetry virtually springs forth from my fingers as I read of the incidents.

Notice underneath "Widget's Wisdom" at the top of the page ... I've put a little banner there to point my poetry fans right to it. Always trying to be helpful. There's also a little sub-title underneath the title of the poem that causes me to grin .... no giggle .... no snort .... no definitely guffaw because it seems so close to true!

I noted at the bottom of your last post that you bet I'll "run out of verses" before you "run out of injuries" ... naaah. A little aside .... ya know, it seems to me you should really want to put your money on your *not* injuring yourself.

Did John get the melted housecoat off the stove?


SusanE said...

I didn't hear about the housecoat. I must have missed an e-mail. How come she didn't blog it? I've been checking there.

Cherylinn said...

Last night we were had just walked into the family room and it seemed smokey. My melted housecoat was still smoldering on the glass of the woodstove. John had to get a scraper and removed it that way. It really mucked up the gold around the door. OOPS! Sorry Susan, I sent it to your wrong email address.

Fiddling Granny said...

I think I would have to say "no more odes ... yet. There's no doubt Cherylinn will have more outrageous injuries to inspire me.