Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Whatcha been doing?

I've been asked why I haven't been blogging lately.

Busy, busy, busy. Aside from making music, I've been knitting like crazy. Sure seems an odd thing to do when down in the Toronto area it's been really hot ... unbearably from what I understand. Up here in the forest, it's been excrucitiatingly pleasant. We've had some rain, and low to mid-20C days. It's been wonderful.

I am working on my third pair of socks ... I'm using the two socks at once on one long circular needle method. I believe I may be addicted!

It's odd how with varigated wool you end up with patches of one of the colours for a while then it shifts.

I've also learned "fur knitting". I'm making a head-band, but I'm not going to elasticize it, and I'll use it instead as a scarf. It's made of sheared beaver and cotton yarn. It's not difficult to do, it's really a simple technique. However, working with the fuzzy stuff isn't really my cup o' tea. Here's a picture of it before I started and in progress. There's another hour or so of knitting left in the fur knitting then I'll be working on several more pairs of socks, and I think I'll look into a pattern for one of those Andean Chullo hats.

I should mention that the beaver yarn is unbelievable soft. The manufacturer (www.furyarn.com) states "It is important to note that trapping is well regulated, environmentally sustainable, and accounts for the livelihood of a certain segment of the Canadian population. ".


Cherylinn said...

I love the pink socks, one day I'm gonna have to make myself a pair of them.
The fur knit, I really enjoy knitting with that stuff. I've made all the girls in the fam scarves out of that. It's so neat when it's knit up. When you were talking about "knitting with fur". I was thinking of dog fur, spinning it into yarn and then knitting with it.

SusanE said...

Every year when I brush the dogs out I think about having the husky undercoat spun and knitting something out of it, but I never both gathering it up.

Cherylinn said...

We'd made a good team wouldn't we?

Cherylinn said...

I keep coming back and looking at your socks and try to figure out how you do them. I find it totally mind blowing. Next time you guys are going to be down here, I'll go with you to that place in Bradford and you can show me what I need.