Sunday, October 28, 2007

Interesting New Word

I've always enjoyed languages. English is bizarre, with the different pronunciations for words that look like they should rhyme.

I learned a new one today.

Think about these:


and my new one - sough

The fun thing about this list is that when you look at them, they look misspelled.

From my Collins dictionary - Sough (sau) vb. 1. (intr.) (esp. of the wind) to make a sighing sound. ~n 2. a soft continuous murmuring sound

What a great word!

I have a book in a box somewhere, it's a Dr Seuss book, for grown ups called "The Tough Coughs As He Ploughs the Dough". I haven't read it in many years, and I only remember the title, not the contents. It isn't on, you can get it used on, and it's available on both and I guess today I'll check the boxes of books downstairs and see if I can find it.

This all because I saw the word sough this morning and I can't even remember where I saw it.


SusanE said...

I want to read the book....

It must be on your coffee table next year when we arrive by bicycle.

I will sough with contentment while I read it.

Cherylinn said...

Wow, I've never heard that one before.