I remember reading this book many times as a kid .... I guess the message got through.
I remember a song from an old kids record:
I think I can,
I think I can,
I think I have a plan,
Yes I can do most anything,
If I just think I can.
As a result of all that brainwashing, "How hard can it be?" is my motto. I mean really, if someone else has done it, I should be able to do it too, even if I'm not a pro.
A few years ago, I heard about making soap from scratch and decided to give it a try. I ended up with a small business that's supported us comfortably for years.
I wanted to make Grandson the first a Spidey sweater, but had to make up the pattern. How hard can it be?? It was hard, but I did it.
We had a bunch of maple trees on our property. In 2002 I suggested to the Grandpa and Grypers, we should try making maple syrup. How hard can it be?? We've done it every year since.
Dancing looks like it feels so good. I took a jazz class once and sorta did okayish ... it really is hard! So a couple of years ago, I gave bellydancing a shot. It was hard too, but fun. I'll leave the dancing to my daughter!
I've always loved music and took vocal lessons for about ten years. A few years ago I decided to learn to play music. How hard can it be?? Now can play tunes on all of these toys.
The fiddle has become an addiction. When I have a lesson, I'm as excited as a junkie meeting up with her drug dealer! Just yesterday, in a recital, I performed a classical piece composed by Schumann called "The Two Grenadiers" and a fiddle tune called "Peek-a-boo Waltz" and did pretty darned good on both of them.
One of my projects in progress is my violin. I've been working on making it for a while. Slowly it's emerging from the slabs of wood.
I didn't like knitting with four needles, but like having a small project like socks on the go. I also found after finishing the first sock, I was bored and never completed the second. I did some research and taught myself to knit two socks at once on one long needle.
Enter the next project ... How hard can it be??
A friend gave me this rocking chair that belonged to her grandmother. I've decided it would be a good victim on which I can try upholstery. I've had a book about learning upholstery for years. How hard can it be??
It has a problem with a the springs as you can see below, but doesn't look like a huge deal.
You just wait, down the road you'll be hearing me sing like that little engine, "I thought I could, I thought I could."
I had the book on a record when I was a little kid. I love it and still remember most of the song the "Little Engine" sang.
What's really funny is that it hasn't come up in my life much since the kids grew up and I may not have even mentioned it to them hardly at all.
BUT about a month ago, while teaching swim lessons, I sang the song to two different kids within a few days of each other.
Funny that you should bring it up now. I think I better get the book so I can read it to the grandkids.
AND I think you can do most anything, if you only thing you can.
What an interesting and diverse person you are.
We know you could, We knew you could....I really do like the purple seat, that's spectacular.
I love that book too. You are never to old too learn. You should try Scottish Country Dancing. It was Henry Ford wo said "Whether you think you can or you think you can't - you are right" and John Alves said "The hard way is the right way. Keep up the efforts and keep us all informed!
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