Now that I'm back from my classes, I have to give credit to an amazing helper, without whom making my violin would not have been possible.
Who helped put the fingerboard in place? Froggie.

Who helped me to get the bass bar glued into exactly the right spot? Froggie.

Who helped clamp the front to the sides and back? Froggie.

Who helped the Mister to plane the front of his guitar properly? You guessed it, Froggie.

Who was right there ensuring that the Mister made the mould for his guitar perfectly? Froggie again.

Now that my fiddle is at home, where do I find Froggie? On the hanger making sure I've hung my new fiddle properly. What a guy!!

LOL what would you do without Froggie?
He's such a dedicated little froggie, it's nice that some people take their friends to important places with them.
Wasn't Cheryl all excited about the Dragon Boat races? I don't recall her friend getting a trip.... hmmmm
Exactly, that's why Froggie is much happier living with me.
Froggie was home playing in pool with his other friends. We hired a life guard to come and stay with them on deck. The had a great time and the life guard was teaching them new swimming techniques.
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