Thursday, February 16, 2006


What a busy few days it's been. I haven't had a chance to look at other blogs, never mind update mine.

I went curling on Saturday. Our team didn't win, but we had an awesome time. We were part way into the fourth end when I looked around at our team and the other seven teams. People were smiling and laughing all over the ice. People offered helpful tips, it was obvious I was a beginner, but they weren't pushy or critical. I think when I retire, I'll join the curling club. I know most of the people in the local club, I know some of the basics, all I need is practice and curling shoes. Oh, yes, and at bonspiels, I'd look awesome in a kilt!

We're going to yet another pot luck tonight ... a birthday party for one of our friends, any excuse will do for a party around here though. We also have one on Sunday along with a silent auction. Those are a blast with this crowd!

We had a concert on Monday in a local seniors home. It went well, except for one piece that some of us were practically sight-reading. It's a tricky piece and the really pretty first flute part that I was supposed to be doing was done badly, the second flute part was better, but we still botched it up. It was only handed to me a short time ago and I've only had a chance to play it with the band once before, and you really need to know how you fit in. Ah well, that's my excuse, it's not for lack of practice anyway.

It's snowing madly out there today. We have over two feet of snow and the road to our place looks like a great place to train for the luge. The banks are about five feet high on either side of the road. It isn't smooth, the logging trucks had really done some damage to it this year. It's like a different Disney ride every time we drive anywhere.

Better got and get some work done ..... oh, yeah and read some of the blogs.


Cherylinn said...

You guys are there are a bunch of party you cross country ski to each other places with you pot luck on your backs? Have you been tobaggoning on the roads yet, that would be a blast.

SusanE said...

you need a little dog sled to hook up to Muggins then you can haul your "pot luck".