Saturday, February 09, 2008

I'm Such a Rotten Sister

A couple of days ago, Cyclin' Granny posted on her blog about a day counter 1600Days or Less . I asked her about the counter and where to find it. Now I was pretty sure I knew right from the get-go.

Her first answer was a link to her google home page, so from there I figured out what it was and in all honesty, I went and found it quite easily, but it occurred to me that CG has a fun way of describing things that resembles Gryper and it might be fun to get her to describe it to me. They both use the word "thing" in place of every noun as they describe items or events. (To quote Gryper about how he did a successful google search "I put the line in the thing and it came out". Every time she sent me an aswer, I would send back some stupid question designed to frustrate her further.

When she said "Ok, lets see if I can walk you through this....and I thought I was a computer dinko...", I though I would injure myself. I was laughing to the point of tears throughout the day, while doing completely unrelated things, at the mere thought of it. She instructed me to go to the google home page and it's "in the lower right of the pretty coloured part ". This is exactly the kind of responses I was seeking. I could tell she was starting to get frustrated with me. As I sit here typing, I'm in tears laughing for the umteenth time.

The grand finale was this:

"You're dumber than I look....wait a minute that's not the correct
You know exactly what it is, after all Ken is a computer junkie, I'm a computer dinkie and you're a computer dumb ass. Figure it out....It's exactly where I told you and you can't miss it. Susan even explained it to you. Do I have draw you a picture...oh please so no, I can't draw and that wouldn't help you out either. You're just yanking my chain now. It's time to be serious. What does Ken say about it?"

Followed by this: "I DON"T KNOW anymore....leave me alone.....I'm confused. I'm lost."

I 'fessed up. Yup, I had to stop before I ended up on the TV show "House" with some weird laughing illness that was actually killing me.

So I've signed on to "msn" to await my verbal sh*t-kicking, which I know is imminent.

I'm going to miss the tears.


I found out after having posted this that she and Susan were dragging it out and toying with me. I've been double crossed. They're such rotten sisters.


Cherylinn said...

I'm weeping, in fact I'm on the floor dying a million deaths laughing. And you thought you had me, come on....Let me as you again "Are you as dumb as I look"? Oops wrong wording again.

Where do you get off saying we' so rotten, you started it.

I've injured myself laughing, chocking on my right lung now.

Cherylinn said...

Oh Susan, that was a good one.

SusanE said...

Hey Wendy, I have this great thing on my webpage. You should check it out.


Revenge of the younger siblings.

(Good story and you are so noble to share it with the world)

Cherylinn said...

Talking about a thing, you should see the thingie that we just got. It's so cool. Yes she is noble and that ended up being funnier that we anticipated.