Sunday, February 24, 2008

What A Blast

Yesterday, we went to Cyclin' Granny & the Mister's cottage for supper. We had an awesome time. The Hostess' meal was fantastic and she was able to do it after a day of painting walls, and when there's no running water in the cottage - and that makes it tough.

Here's the glowing hostess .... it's interesting how both she and The Grandaughter have bright red cheeks. I'm not sure if it's the wine or the cold weather, but they both have the same "glow".

The Hostess wore a lovely pink apron reminiscent of June Cleaver as she effortlessly went about her duties. Notice the posh pose, left hand dangled elegantly?

This is the Daughter-in-Law, observing the Hostess' ease in the kitchen with rapt attention and making mental notes for future dinner paries of her own.

Here is the Host, master painter, renovator and fire tender, looking relaxed after a hard day's work. Across from him was the Guest, and the Guest Dog enjoying the lighthearted storytelling and banter.

The table was set beautifully. Notice the foster-teapot (the teal one from my post a week or so ago) sporting her new, lovingly knitted tea cozy, as was promised. Special kudos for the charger plates. The Hostess didn't even know what a charger plate was a couple of months ago, now she uses them with creative flair.

This the view to the front of the cottage with snow pile to the decks railing. The piles at the sides of the driveway were enormous. During supper we say a couple of deer strolling lazily past down by the trees at shore of the lake.

Unfortunately my camera batteries wore down before I got pictures of The Son, or The Granddaughter.

What a great time we had, the food was great, the company was equally great. Also, we got our copy of The Son's book back How Words Can Speak personally autographed.


SusanE said...

I know what charger plates are, but please tell me what the point is.

Cherylinn said...

I am laughing hysterically....This was a great post FG....Now you must read my blog. I have written a poem for my precious teapot. We did have a great time. A few bottle of wine later I went to bed and was awake before dawn, but rolled over for a few more hours of sleep.

Lauras Garden said...

Kudos to you all. I have no idea how to prepare a meal and paint without running water. I get dirty doing both. What did you do with the dishes?

Lauras Garden said...

Susan - Charger plates were originally meant to keep the spills and crumbs off your precious linens - supposedly saving you trouble in the long run. Now that we all have washing machines they are mostly for decoration.

Cherylinn said...

I am so anxious of the well being put in this spring. While with the amount of snow, it will probably be early summer before he an get his equipment in to do the well drilling. We bring large containers of water from home and use it, boiling water for dishes etc. Nick (CG & Masters son) has told us their is a community well in town so if we ever do run out of water we can fill our containers. I just don't know where, because I've never been in town before.
My original plan was us use "chinet" paper plates on top of the charger plates but I forgot them at home. I was in Walmart one day and saw this charger plates, they are designed to look like woven baskets, they aren't very attractive at all, but I don't dare say they are ugly because I know what will happen then.

Never Give Up said...

You could just grab some snow from your snowbanks and melt it down to wash up!

But I guess that wouldn't be as much fun as carting water in heavy jugs!