Sunday, January 17, 2010

It's Dorky, I Know

I am completely aware that it's dorky, but I asked for a lava lamp for Christmas somewhere around, oh, I don't know, fifteen years ago. I would turn it on every evening and enjoy the random blobs. Then one night, I forgot to turn it off. The instructions said to keep it turned on for less than eight hours.

I never worked right, but I didn't have the heart to pitch it. I would try it the odd time and the blob would sit sadly in the bottom.

Today, I gave it it's final shot before it got sent to be displayed for the dump-shoppers.


Seems as if everyone is happy about it.


Cherylinn said...

She just didn't want to be left in the cold dumpster.....Glad she's up and running once again.

Fiddling Granny said...

OMG look at this Cheryl ... I've added a pic of something I saw this morning.

Cherylinn said...

LOL.....glad you haven't packed Froggie...

Fiddling Granny said...

Are you kidding? He's a huge help. Better than anyone else by leaps and bounds.