Sunday, January 22, 2006

My Surprise Party

Well Friday my friends had a surpise party for my birthday. They really tried to pull it off, but I guess I'm suspicious. I told Ken last week that I suspected that it, but he denied any knowledge, as he should have.

There were seventeen people there and a ton of food ... pot lucks here are awesome! I got a bunch of cards and several really nice gifts and lots of hugs. What a terrific group of people.

Tonight is our gourmet french supper. Thre will be 48 people there and five of us have made all the food and we'll have four servers helping today.

Should be fun.


SusanE said...

Sounds like a great group of friends up there. Curious, are these local folks or imports? Up here in Kenora the imports are more likely to be friendly like that, the locals more likely to be standoffish. I guess I've become a local. I'm more standoffish these days. Pity, maybe I should change that, all your dinners sound like fun (and tasty too!)

Cherylinn said...

So how did the dinner go last night. Save any goodies for us.

Fiddling Granny said...

It's mostly imports, although some have lived here for 20+ years and some have cottaged here for 50+ years.

We're a really tight group of about 35 or so people. There are no squabbles, everyone gets along amazingly well. It's so unusual. Mum & Dad are considered to be part of the group now. At every event since New Year's we've been asked where they are and when they'll be back.