Thursday, December 21, 2006

Granny's Calmer Downer

Okay, it doesn't have all kinds of computer-like functions. It's no use in gourmet cooking, it doesn't clean the bird cage. This gadget only gets pulled out once in a while. Using it isn't always a happy occasion. When you do have to use it, as I did today, and on a previous post in the not too distant past, it takes you from feeling frustrated, to calm. It puts your world back in order. It is my wool winder.
Last night, I finished the back of a sweater that I'm working on for Ken. When I was about to cast off the final twenty-eight stitches, I realized I had thirty-eight, ten stitches too many. How can this be??? I don't add stitches while I'm doing something that's a plain old stocking stitch, it's second nature now. I can do it with my eyes closed. After having checked over the whole back, it appears that when I did my increase row at the top of the ribbing, I did my math incorrectly (Okay Mr Kibler, I do have some use for math in my life as an adult!) and increased by too many stitches.
Frustration ... with a capital F! So after deciding not to throw it into the fireplace, but putting it back in my knitting bag instead, I got it out this morning and pulled out my trusty wool winder. I've taken it apart down to the ribbing, and I'll pick up the stitches from there and start over.
Roll 'em! Take two.

1 comment:

Cherylinn said...

Isn't it funny the easiest patterns cause the most grief....I was working on a ss blanket for Gerbert and I had to rip that thing out so many times, before completing it....