Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Grandkids

Saturday I visited with the youngest two grandkids. Both of them have learned more new stuff each time I see them despite the stumbling block of their autism.

I remember when it was first mentioned that Grandson III may be autistic. I thought to myself, "Yeah, right , drama!". He was a friendly, content baby who seemed to be doing things on schedule.

Well, I was wrong. He does have autism, but despite that he's learning a lot and I see progress each time I see him. When I went to visit Saturday, I greeted him and kissed him on the cheek. He greeted me back with eye contact and a big smile. While the his dad, Lex, and Mrs G and I chatted, he sat on the chesterfield looking at a book and laughing to himself about something in the book. Several times he came over to me to play, and he also went over to Mrs G to play. It was so much fun. Not the kind stuff my overactive imagination suggested when I first really started to realize that his autism was a reality.

When Granddaughter I, who who had other challenges too, was diagnosed with autism much younger, I was astounded. I couldn't believe that two children in one family would have to deal with the same challenges, but they do. I had no real idea what to expect, and what their lives would be like. Granddaughter I came up to me yesterday as I sat in a rocking chair and climbed up on my lap, and looked into my face singing for a minute or so, then turned around and settled in with her head on my nice cushy "granny breasts" and stayed there for about five minutes. During that time she took my hand and rubbed it on her cheek. I was so pleased about her choosing to do that with me.

Both are very sociable and are doing really well, thanks to the constant hard work and incredible patience of their single father, Lex.

I'm proud of all three of you.


1 comment:

Cherylinn said...

That is AWESOME!....I give Lex all the credit in the world. l love the "Granny Breast"...that's soo funny. Breasts is such a ikki name. I think you should have called them "Granny Boobs".