Saturday, April 24, 2010


As the weather gets nicer, the guard cockapoo spends more time watching for something to bark at. This week she found a new chin rest.

This was the state of the woodpile on April 5th. This is for next year's heat (our furnace is wood/electric). The Mister has been working on it almost every afternoon. Uncle Roy taught him to sharpen his chain saw, so that saves a lot of time, trips to town and money.
Here it is today .... he's "gettin' 'er done".
While The Mister was out cutting wood I was looking in the "back yard" and found this secret garden. There are hundreds of trilliums budding and blooming right now.
They are so pretty!
No more lollygagging, I have work to do.


Laura said...

Glad to hear you have recovered from the Grandkid's visit.

Jojo said...

I love trilliums. How lucky you are to have them in your yard.
Mister's doing a good job! Is that pile enough for the winter?

Fiddling Granny said...

We hope so Jojo, but we'll need a full winter to know for sure.

Gryper said...

He's chewing it up pretty good.

Gryper said...

Leaves of three, leave them be??

SusanE said...

How many cords?

Beautiful Trilliums. I haven't seen one in years. Probably more than 25.